FEATURED: 5 Lessons I Learned in 2023.

Ghostwriter for influencer:

As 2023 comes to an end, I wanted to reflect on all the beautiful lessons it has taught me. I’m a firm believer that every year is responsible for delivering the lessons we need to excel in the next and 2023 did not disappoint. Some lessons came easier than others, but they all will make me a better mom, wife, friend, and business owner in then end. For that, I’m grateful for the easy, hard, good, and bad.

So, let’s dive in.

Lesson #1

Never Doubt My Intuition…It’s Never Wrong.

My guess is that your intuition is usually spot on, too. This year required me to make tough decisions over and over again. And while sometimes I didn’t fully understand why or what would come next, that gentle voice inside of me was always there letting me know that I had all of the answers I needed. It wasn’t always easy. In fact, there were days I wondered if I had it right, but when we listen to ourselves, we can rarely get it wrong.

Lesson #2

Always Take Care of Myself First.

Have you ever heard that saying “put on your own oxygen mask first?” I have found that to be more and more true as the years go on. As a wife, mom, and business owner, I feel like I’m always needed. I’m constantly being pulled into a million different directions and while I can usually balance all of the spinning plates, sometimes it can feel like I’m losing myself in the chaos. I’ve come to realize that by taking care of my own needs first, I’m not being selfish, but I’m allowing myself to be the best version of me for those around me.

Lesson #3

Family Always Comes First.

As a business owner, I understand that sometimes it can be difficult to ignore the urgent work situation because you promised your kids you’d take them to the park that day. But this year I have found that even in those moments, I’ll never regret choosing my family. My kids are my biggest cheerleaders and I know that I’ll never get their childhood back. It’s always worth it to prioritize them and they can feel it.

Lesson #4

I’m Not Done Taking Risks.

I’m someone that attracts opportunities, and I don’t believe it’s by accident. In fact, it’s quite intentional and we’re all capable of it. However, when I take on a new opportunity, I’m also taking on the risk associated with it. This year I’ve learned that the risk is usually worth the jump if it’s something you believe in, and I’m definitely not done jumping.

Lesson #5

Quality Over Quantity.

I have come to find that this applies to every aspect of my life. Whether it’s friendships, business ventures, events or even a conversation with someone I love. I believe we cultivate the life we want by focusing on the things that matter most to us. At this point in my life, I don’t need 50 friends I barely have time for, I need a small circle I can pour into. I don’t want 15 different business ventures, I want a few that I believe in with all my heart. When we start to focus on the right things, they grow. That’s the kind of life I want to live.

Lessons are funny things. Most of the time we learn them on accident, but they always end up teaching us exactly what we needed to learn in whatever season of life we’re in. I’ll be taking what I learned this year and bringing it into 2024 where I hope a handful of new lessons await.

Happy growing, friends. Let’s hope it never stops.


FEATURED: Get Well this Summer at CIVANA.